Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 7: One Week Down!

I'll start this post with a little story for you:
Sitting in church today, my stomach growling as I waited for the third hour to come to a close, a thought crossed my mind. "I can't wait to go home and eat a banana." Say what again??? A banana? We are excited to run home when church ends to eat a banana?!?!?! That's what we're craving? When did this happen? I have never sat in church thinking about how excited I was to get home to eat something healthy, and I have certainly never craved a banana! I don't even like bananas. I have to force myself to eat them. So it's happening. The switch in the brain has flipped to healthy mode! 

I have gone one whole week eating healthy! Pat on the back for me! I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I am liking this whole Paleo thing! Sure it has it's challenges, but I'm beginning to figure out how it all works and I'm getting better at making time to prepare healthy meals. 
I've been meaning to share some links I have found helpful in figuring out this diet. This first link is excellent! It explains what the Paleo diet is, and why you should consider trying it. Here you go! Happy Reading! 
These next two articles are must reads! They list all the food you can eat on the diet, and they tell you why you shouldn't eat certain foods that you would think would be okay. Here is the first article, and here is the second one. 
Recipe time! Today I am sharing with you one of my family's all-time favorite recipes! Keep in mind my dad is half German....Pork and Sauerkraut! This is one of those dishes where you are either going to hate it or love it. Sauerkraut is not for the faint of heart, but eating fermented food is good for your gut and is welcomed in the Paleo diet! 

This is the easiest recipe in the world to make! All you need are: pork chops, sauerkraut, a crock pot, and some salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 

First, start by browning the pork chops in a frying pan. You're not cooking them all the way through, just browning the top layer. This is where you add the salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 
Yes, that is the same frying pan as last night, and yes, it is still dirty from the
chicken. Why wash something twice, when you can just wash it once? ;)
You'll be happy to know it's washed now!
After your chops are browned you are going to layer them in your crock pot with the sauerkraut, starting and ending with the sauerkraut.

That's it! Easy as pie! Just put the lid on and cook on high until it's done! It'll depend on how much pork you are cooking as to when it's done. You'll know it's done when the meat is easily falling off the bone, like this.

Sorry not the best picture...I need to work on my photography skills! But you get the idea. 

The great thing about this recipe is you can easily adjust it to your needs. Have a big crowd? Make a ton! Just you? Do what I did. 3 chops with 2 cans of sauerkraut. Don't know how you feel about sauerkraut? Use less. Love it? Go crazy with it! 

I was going to make a meal of this with carrots as my side, but I wasn't hungry enough. Enjoy!

Food Log:
Breakfast: Banana
Lunch: Large salad with spinach, tomatoes, red onion, boiled egg, avocado, pecans, and a slice of bacon. I used olive oil and salt and pepper to dress it
Snacks: Nuts, boiled egg, pieces of left over grilled chicken
Dinner: Pork and Sauerkraut :)
Desert: Finally finished off those brownies! Proud of myself for not scarfing them down day one!

Happy day to you all! 

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