Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 3: Truly Commit Yourself

So sorry I got a bit behind on my posts! It's been a busy couple of days. Day 3 was my first day on the diet where I had to travel out of town for a few hours, bringing me a bit of a challenge, and later, an epiphany. The challenge was finding Paleo friendly snacks that I could eat while driving. I'll give you a bit of a background for this story. I have the absolutely wonderful job of being a personal trainer and business partner at Operation Tonergy! Tonergy is a group fitness program here in Southern Utah, we cater to small towns in the area. We are pretty awesome! You should check us out! Learn more about us here. So today I had to travel to a couple of towns to teach classes. They are an hour away from where I live, and believe me when I say there is NOTHING between Cedar (where I live) and these towns. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing but rolling hills of dessert and deer who like to run out onto the road. One of the towns has a gas station. The other one actually has a Subway...and 2 gas stations! Kind of a big deal. The round trip takes a little over 4 hours, and as you can imagine, finding food is a little difficult. And I prefer to eat something every 2-3 hours, fast metabolism. Hungry person here. Typically I pick up a foot long at Subway for the journey, but that's not really an option right now-it's not exactly a Paleo friendly establishment! And being that I ate leftovers for lunch, I didn't have a Paleo meal laying around. So random snacks it is! I grabbed my trusty family-sized bag of raw almonds, a banana, some baby carrots, and blackberries and called it good. Look at me, being all healthy! While chomping on almonds as I drove to Minersville, I contemplated on what a terrible eater I have been in the past. I always buy healthy food...and it always goes bad sitting in the fridge because I never eat it. You know how it is. You search the fridge and kitchen cupboards in vain looking for something to eat. You're past the point of caring what you put in your mouth, you just need something, anything! And all you have are apples, and bananas, and all that healthy crap, and who wants to eat that when you are starved?! So Roberto's run for a breakfast burrito it is! Fail. And now there I was, actually eating the healthy food I bought! Go me! It's amazing how, when you TRULY COMMIT YOURSELF, you can overcome bad habits (light bulb moment, epiphany time!) Make up your mind that fries and burgers and pizza are not an option, and all of a sudden they won't be. My challenge to you is make make that commitment! Finally decide, once and for all, that you are going to do it! You are going to eat healthy! It's all in your mind, you just have to decide it's something you want! Good luck! 

Food Log:
Breakfast: Green smoothie with spinach, kale, banana, almond butter, almond milk, honey
Snack: Blackberries
Lunch: Spaghetti squash and meat sauce leftovers
Snack: Almonds, banana, blackberries, and carrot sticks
Dinner: 93% lean ground beef burger topped with sauteed onions (cooked with coconut oil),   tomatoes, and 2 fried eggs (so random, I know! I was STARVING when I got home                 and wanted the fastest thing possible. It was actually pretty good though!)
Dessert: 1 square of 85% dark chocolate   

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