Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 5: Plan and Prepare or You'll Starve. Seriously.

Hi All!
What a day! I don't know if it's been the actual eating vegetables for once, or the lack of gluten in my system, or just some random act of energy happening, but I was hyper, hyper, hyper today! I was alert, awake, and had energy. This is not normal for me! I always feel tired and like I am just dragging. I have to force myself to be active. I can sleep for hours, and when I'm not sleeping I'm usually wishing I was because I'm always just so dang tired! But today I was on one, and it was awesome! I can't say if this surge of energy is directly related to eating paleo, but I certainly hope so because that would be awesome! I'll let you know if this energy goodness continues as the days go on! 
One of the great yet inconvenient things about this diet is it forces you to be in the kitchen. Not to brag, but I am a dang good cook. Always have been. I grew up cooking and baking all the time, and I love it! I love cooking and baking and creating in the kitchen. I am so grateful to of been raised in a house with real food, a house that rarely dined out, and where microwave dinners were unheard of. But something has happened to me throughout the years. I got busy, and I got impatient. I stopped planning my meals ahead of time, or even buying real food for that matter. I have been living of off cereal and sandwiches and restaurant food for years now, I am ashamed to say! Whatever food can be attained by the fastest means possible is what I usually end up eating. I know I'm not alone in this battle. We have become a nation of instant gratification. Whether it's instantly feeding our bellies, or instantly finding answers to questions, or instantly knowing every intimate detail of every person on the planets life thanks to social media (well hello there irony!), we have become addicted to instant gratification. The thing about instant gratification is it not only makes you impatient, it makes you lazy, as it did with me. Cooking became something that took too much effort to do on a regular basis. It's so much easier and faster to just run out and pick up  something. Disgusting, I know. How lame of me. But that is one of the reasons I am grateful to be doing this challenge, it is forcing me to get back in the kitchen! The thing with this diet is that if you don't plan ahead and prepare your meals, you are going to starve. I mean it. I was starving for half the day, it was horrible! It's not like restaurants have a paleo menu, or grocery stores a paleo section (maybe in hipster towns, but definitely not here in small town USA). I can't just go out and grab something. I have to make time to cook. I have no one to blame my starvation on but myself, because I didn't plan and prepare well. So if I could give you any advice at all in your Paleo endeavors it would be this: PLAN AND PREPARE!!! It's not enough to just buy the food, you got to figure out when you are going to have time to prepare it as well. But be ready to be proud of me folks, I cooked in bulk tonight! There will be leftovers! Wohoo!!! I cooked up a recipe I found on pinterest, here it is

Don't let the simplicity of the plate deceive you, this was delicious! It was so much more than chicken with sweet potatoes and onions. The recipe calls for maple syrup, and that is what made all the difference. I didn't think that I would be able to taste it, but I could and it made this dish so so good! I was surprised too by how delicious the sweet potatoes were. I have always hated sweet potatoes but these were so yummy and amazing! This will be something I make again, and it's something you should give a whirl! 

Food Log:
Breakfast: Smoothie with peaches, raspberries, spinach, kale, and almond milk (not very good, don't make it!)
Go to snacks throughout the day: Almonds, walnuts, apple with almond butter, raspberries, and 1 hard boiled egg
Lunch: So they had Philly Cheese sandwiches for us at work, which of course are not paleo friendly. So I pulled the meat off mine and snacked on that. 
Dinner: You saw that lovely picture above! I maybe had two servings....I went I really long time between meals!
Dessert: I worked on the leftover brownies throughout the day. One small bite at a time! Still delicious as ever, and still have plenty left!

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